Meat Docs Privacy Statement - EU

Meat Docs is committed to the protection of your personal data and respects your privacy on all its websites on the Meat Docs domain.

This privacy policy on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by Meat Docs is based on the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

This privacy policy covers all Meat Docs websites within the Meat Docs domain. You can browse through most of these websites without giving any personal data.

In certain cases though, your personal data may be required for the provision of an e-service. When personal data is required for that purpose, you can find more detailed information on that in a specific privacy statement linked to the website. You will find which service you should contact in that specific privacy statement.

In this respect:

  • an operational controller ensures conformity with the specific privacy statement in place for each e-service
  • the Data Protection Officer ensures in an independent manner the internal application of the Regulation in Meat Docs, and advises operational controllers on their data protection obligations
  • the European Data Protection Supervisor acts as an independent supervisory authority

Information contained in a specific privacy statement

When visiting other Meat Docs websites, further specific privacy statements will contain the following information about the use of your personal data:

  • the purposes of the processing and how your personal data is processed
  • on what legal grounds your personal data is processed
  • which personal data is collected and further processed
  • how long it is kept
  • how it is protected and safeguarded
  • who has access to your personal data
  • what are your rights and how you can exercise them
  • who to contact if you have questions or complaints


An e-service on the Meat Docs websites is a service or resource that improves communication between people and Meat Docs.

3 types of e-services are offered on the Meat Docs websites:

  • information services that provide easy and effective access to information
  • interactive communication services to facilitate policy consultations and feedback
  • transaction services that allow basic forms of transactions with Meat Docs, such as procurement, financial operations, recruitment, event enrollment, and ordering documents

IP address and device ID

When you access a Meat Docs website, Meat Docs receives as an essential technical requirement the Internet Protocol address (IP address) or the device ID of the device used to access the website.

The patterns of usage of visitors to the online services may be tracked for the purposes of providing improved service and content based on aggregate or statistical review of user traffic patterns.

Without this information, you will not be able to establish a technical connection between your devices and the server infrastructure maintained by Meat Docs and therefore will not be able to access Meat Docs websites.

Meat Docs only keeps this information for the time necessary to fulfil the request, namely for the duration of the browsing session.

Personal Information you provide voluntarily

If we deal with you as a current or prospective customer or client, we may collect personal information from you to provide any of our services and products to you. We do not collect personal information unless it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of the services or products we provide or functions we carry out.

Personal information means information from which your identity can be reasonably ascertained. The types of personal information we may collect from you, depending on you’re the services you use, include (but is not limited to):

  • Name
  • Company Name
  • Establishment Number
  • Company Address
  • Global Location Number
  • GTIN of one of your carton barcodes
  • Telephone numbers
  • Your occupation
  • Email Address

If you choose not to provide us with your personal information, you may not be able to enjoy certain components of our Services.

Information from and about you. The types of information we collect will depend upon the services you use, how you use them and what you choose to provide. The types of data we collect directly from you as a minimum is your name and email address. You may have to include more information if asked to by the company you are working for, however, this is up to their discretion.

Depending on the services you use and if you are associated/work under a specific person or organisation who has given you certain permissions, your personal; information may be subject to third parties.

All data that you upload or enter into the Meat Docs system should already be either publicly available or supply chain available and can be accessed by second and third parties through a multitude of different sources.

Collection of Your information

You may provide us with personal, company and product information that we need to use to provide you and your clients with our services. The main way we collect information is when you give it to us, for example when you complete a form, consignment, application, scan a barcode or contact us to ask for information.

We collect, hold, use to carry out our business functions or activities to facilitate information to third parties by the person/persons operating the business or company. We act as an intermediatory between organisations and do not include or distort any information inserted into the Meat Docs system. The functions or activities include:

  • Sending consignment related information
  • Searching your company to see whether your products use the GS1 approved barcodes
  • Sending META data

To perform the functions and/or activities prescribed by the person/persons such as consignments and reporting, we will disclose information to any of the persons or organisations described below:

  • Exporting Country Export Establishments
  • Exporting Country Non-Packer Exporters
  • Exporting Country Cold Storage and Logistics Organisations
  • Exporting Country Government Authorised Agencies
  • Freight Forwarders
  • Shipping and Air Lines
  • Importing Country Inspection Establishments
  • Importing Country Cold Storage and Logistics Organisations
  • Importing Country Meat Importers
  • Importing Country Value Adding and Further Processing Organisations
  • Importing Country End Users
  • Importing Country Meat Buyers
  • Importing Country Government authorised agencies

We store your personal information in electronic form. The security of your personal information is important to us. We take reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is stored safely to protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, including electronic and physical security measures.

If you access a social media page operated by us, the information we collect about you may also include your user ID and/or user name associated with that social media service, any information or content you have permitted the third-party social media service to share with us, such as your profile picture, email address, followers or friends lists, and any information you have disclosed in connection with that social media service.

We will collect information from you electronically, for instance through internet browsing, mobile or tablet applications. Each time you visit our website, we collect information about your use of the website. We may use a technology called 'cookies' when you visit our site. Cookies can record information about your visit to our site. The cookies we send to your computer cannot read your hard drive, obtain any information from your browser or command your computer to perform any action. They are designed so that they cannot be sent to another site or be retrieved by any non-Meat-Messaging site.

We will not keep your personal information longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. We will securely destroy or erase personal information from our systems when it is no longer required to accomplish the purpose for which it was collected. We also will endeavour to ensure the deletion and destruction of personal information stored and maintained by third parties. We may, however, retain some personal information to comply with applicable laws, regulations, rules and court orders.

Notwithstanding our efforts, the Internet has inherent security risks. We cannot promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information, personal searches, and other communications will always remain secure. You should take care with regards to how you handle and disclose your personal information or any username or password or any other communications that you are required to use to access all of our Collection Places.

Access to Your Personal Information

You can request, at any time, for us to inform you of the personal information we hold about you. We usually respond to you within seven days of receiving your request.

We may refuse to give you access to the personal information we hold about you if we reasonably believe that giving access would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an individual, would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of other individuals, or if we consider the request to be frivolous or vexatious.

If any of the information we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete or irrelevant, please contact the Meat Docs Support team on:

  • 1 202-615-8283

How We May Change This Statement

We may amend or update this Policy at any time. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be publicised on our website. This privacy policy came into existence on the 22 of February 2023.

Cookies and third parties

Some Meat Docs websites may use 'first-party cookies'. These are cookies set and controlled by Meat Docs, not by any external organisation.

Safeguarding information

Collected personal data are stored by Meat Docs under the applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Meat Docs' contractors are bound by a specific contractual clause for any processing operations of your data on behalf of Meat Docs, and must guarantee the data protection and confidentiality

Meat Docs Privacy Statement - U.S.

Meat Docs is committed to the protection of your personal data and respects your privacy on all its websites on the Meat Docs domain.

This privacy policy on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by Meat Docs is based on the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

This privacy policy covers all Meat Docs websites within the Meat Docs domain. You can browse through most of these websites without giving any personal data.

In certain cases though, your personal data may be required for the provision of an e-service. When personal data is required for that purpose, you can find more detailed information on that in a specific privacy statement linked to the website. You will find which service you should contact in that specific privacy statement.

In this respect:

  • an operational controller ensures conformity with the specific privacy statement in place for each e-service
  • the Data Protection Officer ensures in an independent manner the internal application of the Regulation in Meat Docs, and advises operational controllers on their data protection obligations
  • the European Data Protection Supervisor acts as an independent supervisory authority

Information contained in a specific privacy statement

When visiting other Meat Docs websites, further specific privacy statements will contain the following information about the use of your personal data:

  • the purposes of the processing and how your personal data is processed
  • on what legal grounds your personal data is processed
  • which personal data is collected and further processed
  • how long it is kept
  • how it is protected and safeguarded
  • who has access to your personal data
  • what are your rights and how you can exercise them
  • who to contact if you have questions or complaints

Retention of your personal information.

Meat Docs will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and maintain appropriate business records. Once the purpose has been fulfilled your personal information will be retained and blocked up due to the possibility of legal and governmental requirements and until their status of limitations have run out.

Disclosures of personal information.

Meat Docs reserves the right to disclose information where required by law or to comply with valid legal process (such as a search warrant, subpoena or court order) as well as to protect Meat Docs’s rights or property, including without limitation in the event of a transfer of control of Meat Docs or substantially all of its assets, or during emergencies when safety is at risk.

Additional Disclosures for California Residents

If you are a California resident, the California Consumer Privacy Rights Act 2018 (CCPA) requires us to provide you with certain information regarding the personal information collected by Meat Docs that relates to, or is reasonably capable of being associated with, you as an individual. The below disclosures supplement the information provided in our general Privacy Policy (“Policy”) and describe our information collection practices going back 12 months prior to the date of any Consumer Request submitted in accordance with this supplemental privacy policy.

Consumer Rights for California Residents

No Sale of Information As we do not sell any of your Personal Information, the right to opt out from the sale of personal information does not apply to Information collected by us.

Right to Know/Access Specific Pieces of Information

With respect to the Personal Information we have collected from you in any 12 months prior to you making a consumer request, you have the right to information about the categories of Personal Information we collected, and, for each category, the commercial purposes of such collection, the categories of sources for such Personal Information, and the categories of parties such information has been shared with, if any.

In addition, you have the right to access specific pieces of Personal Information collected about you. You may exercise this right no more than twice in any given 12 months period.

Right to Request of Deletion of Information

You have the right to require us to permanently delete certain Personal Information that we collected from you. However, this right is subject to a variety of restrictions and exceptions, for example we may have to keep your Personal Data that is necessary for legal and legitimate business purposes, to resolve potential disputes, to make or defend legal claims, to conduct audits and/or to enforce any agreements.


An e-service on the Meat Docs websites is a service or resource that improves communication between people and Meat Docs.

3 types of e-services are offered on the Meat Docs websites:

  • information services that provide easy and effective access to information
  • interactive communication services to facilitate policy consultations and feedback
  • transaction services that allow basic forms of transactions with Meat Docs, such as procurement, financial operations, recruitment, event enrollment, and ordering documents

Right to Request of Deletion of Information

You have the right to require us to permanently delete certain Personal Information that we collected from you. However, this right is subject to a variety of restrictions and exceptions, for example we may have to keep your Personal Data that is necessary for legal and legitimate business purposes, to resolve potential disputes, to make or defend legal claims, to conduct audits and/or to enforce any agreements.

How to Exercise your Deletion Rights, Right to Know or Right to Access Personal Information

You must make a verified request, i.e., a request indicating what type of right you wish to exercise that allows us to make sure that you are the person authorized to make such a request or a duly authorized agent of such a person. Typically, we need to be able to verify the identity of the person making any such request.

Please contact us either by phone at +1 202-615-8283 or by e-mail at to communicate your request. We will get back to you within 10 days at the latest to confirm receipt of your request and inform you about the next steps. If we are able to verify your request, we typically provide you with the requested information or otherwise act on your request within 45 days from the date of its receipt. If we are unable to complete the actions required to comply with your request within the ordinary 45 day time period, we will notify you during that time period and provide you with an update, including how much additional time we need to comply with your request.

Under certain circumstances, we are authorized to refuse compliance with your Consumer Request, e.g., if we are unable to verify that you or the person making the request is in fact authorized to do so, your request is manifestly unfounded, or excessive, in particular because of its repetitive character, or if doing so would force us to violate other legal obligations recognized by California law. In each case we will provide you with a written explanation highlighting the reasons for our decision.

There is no charge for exercising your Consumer Rights, provided however, that we may impose a reasonable administrative fee taking into account the cost of acting on your request in case your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.

No Discrimination for Exercise of Consumer Rights

We will not discriminate against you for exercising any rights you may have as a consumer under CCPA.

Other California Privacy Rights

California's "Shine the Light" law permits users of our Website that are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. We do not disclose personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes.

IP address and device ID

When you access a Meat Docs website, Meat Docs receives as an essential technical requirement the Internet Protocol address (IP address) or the device ID of the device used to access the website.

The patterns of usage of visitors to the online services may be tracked for the purposes of providing improved service and content based on aggregate or statistical review of user traffic patterns.

Without this information, you will not be able to establish a technical connection between your devices and the server infrastructure maintained by Meat Docs and therefore will not be able to access Meat Docs websites.

Meat Docs only keeps this information for the time necessary to fulfil the request, namely for the duration of the browsing session.

Children’s Privacy

Our website is not intended for, nor targeted to, children under 13, and we do not knowingly request or collect personal information from any person under 13 years of age. If we learn that we have received information directly from a child who is under the age of 13, we will delete the information in accordance with applicable law.

Personal Information you provide voluntarily

If we deal with you as a current or prospective customer or client, we may collect personal information from you to provide any of our services and products to you. We do not collect personal information unless it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of the services or products we provide or functions we carry out.

Personal information means information from which your identity can be reasonably ascertained. The types of personal information we may collect from you, depending on you’re the services you use, include (but is not limited to):

  • Name
  • Company Name
  • Establishment Number
  • Company Address
  • Global Location Number
  • GTIN of one of your carton barcodes
  • Telephone numbers
  • Your occupation
  • Email Address

If you choose not to provide us with your personal information, you may not be able to enjoy certain components of our Services.

Information from and about you. The types of information we collect will depend upon the services you use, how you use them and what you choose to provide. The types of data we collect directly from you as a minimum is your name and email address. You may have to include more information if asked to by the company you are working for, however, this is up to their discretion.

Depending on the services you use and if you are associated/work under a specific person or organisation who has given you certain permissions, your personal; information may be subject to third parties.

All data that you upload or enter into the Meat Docs system should already be either publicly available or supply chain available and can be accessed by second and third parties through a multitude of different sources.

Sensitive Information

We STRONGLY suggest that you do not upload any sensitive information about yourself or your organisation to the Meat Docs system.

We only give information that is already publicly or supply chain available to third parties. We are not liable for any sensitive information that you upload to the Meat Docs system.

If by some chance you do upload any sensitive information to the Meat Docs system, you need to contact us immediately.

Collection of Your information

You may provide us with personal, company and product information that we need to use to provide you and your clients with our services. The main way we collect information is when you give it to us, for example when you complete a form, consignment, application, scan a barcode or contact us to ask for information.

We collect, hold, use to carry out our business functions or activities to facilitate information to third parties by the person/persons operating the business or company. We act as an intermediatory between organisations and do not include or distort any information inserted into the Meat Docs system. The functions or activities include:

  • Sending consignment related information
  • Searching your company to see whether your products use the GS1 approved barcodes
  • Sending META data

To perform the functions and/or activities prescribed by the person/persons such as consignments and reporting, we will disclose information to any of the persons or organisations described below:

  • Exporting Country Export Establishments
  • Exporting Country Non-Packer Exporters
  • Exporting Country Cold Storage and Logistics Organisations
  • Exporting Country Government Authorised Agencies
  • Freight Forwarders
  • Shipping and Air Lines
  • Importing Country Inspection Establishments
  • Importing Country Cold Storage and Logistics Organisations
  • Importing Country Meat Importers
  • Importing Country Value Adding and Further Processing Organisations
  • Importing Country End Users
  • Importing Country Meat Buyers
  • Importing Country Government authorised agencies

We store your personal information in electronic form. The security of your personal information is important to us. We take reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is stored safely to protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, including electronic and physical security measures.

If you access a social media page operated by us, the information we collect about you may also include your user ID and/or user name associated with that social media service, any information or content you have permitted the third-party social media service to share with us, such as your profile picture, email address, followers or friends lists, and any information you have disclosed in connection with that social media service.

We will collect information from you electronically, for instance through internet browsing, mobile or tablet applications. Each time you visit our website, we collect information about your use of the website. We may use a technology called 'cookies' when you visit our site. Cookies can record information about your visit to our site. The cookies we send to your computer cannot read your hard drive, obtain any information from your browser or command your computer to perform any action. They are designed so that they cannot be sent to another site or be retrieved by any non-Meat-Messaging site.

We will not keep your personal information longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. We will securely destroy or erase personal information from our systems when it is no longer required to accomplish the purpose for which it was collected. We also will endeavour to ensure the deletion and destruction of personal information stored and maintained by third parties. We may, however, retain some personal information to comply with applicable laws, regulations, rules and court orders.

Notwithstanding our efforts, the Internet has inherent security risks. We cannot promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information, personal searches, and other communications will always remain secure. You should take care with regards to how you handle and disclose your personal information or any username or password or any other communications that you are required to use to access all of our Collection Places.

Access to Your Personal Information

You can request, at any time, for us to inform you of the personal information we hold about you. We usually respond to you within seven days of receiving your request.

We may refuse to give you access to the personal information we hold about you if we reasonably believe that giving access would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an individual, would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of other individuals, or if we consider the request to be frivolous or vexatious.

If any of the information we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete or irrelevant, please contact the Meat Docs Support team on:

  • 1 202-615-8283

How We May Change This Statement

We may amend or update this Policy at any time. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be publicised on our website. This privacy policy came into existence on the 22 of February 2023.

Cookies and third parties

Some Meat Docs websites may use 'first-party cookies'. These are cookies set and controlled by Meat Docs, not by any external organisation.

Safeguarding information

Collected personal data are stored by Meat Docs under the applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Meat Docs' contractors are bound by a specific contractual clause for any processing operations of your data on behalf of Meat Docs, and must guarantee the data protection and confidentiality

Meat Docs Privacy Statement - AUSTRALIA

As at 30th September 2021

1. General

1.1 This privacy policy outlines the personal information handling practices of Meat Docs (ABN 55 065 153 540) ("our", "us" or "we") ("businesses").

1.2 We respect the privacy of your personal information. The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), Australian Privacy Principles and registered privacy codes govern how we must manage your personal information as we are an Australian based system. This policy sets out how we collect, use, disclose and otherwise manage your personal information even if you are located outside of Australia.

2. Personal Information you provide voluntarily

2.1 If we deal with you as a current or prospective customer or client, we may collect personal information from you to provide any of our services and products to you. We do not collect personal information unless it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of the services or products we provide or functions we carry out.

2.2 Personal information means information from which your identity can be reasonably ascertained. The types of personal information we may collect from you, depending on you’re the services you use, include (but is not limited to):

  1. Name
  2. Company Name
  3. Establishment Number
  4. Company Address
  5. Global Location Number
  6. GTIN of one of your carton barcodes
  7. Telephone numbers
  8. Your occupation
  9. Email Address

2.3 If you choose not to provide us with your personal information, you may not be able to enjoy certain components of our Services.

2.4 Information from and about you. The types of information we collect will depend upon the services you use, how you use them and what you choose to provide. The types of data we collect directly from you as a minimum is your name and email address. You may have to include more information if asked to by the company you are working for, however, this is up to their discretion.

2.5 Depending on the services you use and if you are associated/work under a specific person or organisation who has given you certain permissions, your personal; information may be subject to third parties.

2.6 All data that you upload or enter into the Meat Docs system should already be either publicly available or supply chain available and can be accessed by second and third parties through a multitude of different sources.

3. Sensitive Information

3.1 We STRONGLY suggest that you do not upload any sensitive information about yourself or your organisation to the Meat Docs system.

3.2 We only give information that is already publicly or supply chain available to third parties. We are not liable for any sensitive information that you upload to the Meat Docs system.

3.3 If by some chance you do upload any sensitive information to the Meat Docs system, you need to contact us immediately on UNITED STATES +1 540-848-5384 or at so we can amend this for you.

4. Collection of Your information

4.1 You may provide us with personal, company and product information that we need to use to provide you and your clients with our services. The main way we collect information is when you give it to us, for example when you complete a form, consignment, application, scan a barcode or contact us to ask for information.

4.2 We collect, hold, use to carry out our business functions or activities to facilitate information to third parties by the person/persons operating the business or company. We act as an intermediary between organisations and do not include or distort any information inserted into the Meat Messaging system. The functions or activities include:

  1. Sending consignment related information
  2. Searching your company to see whether your products use the GS1 approved barcodes
  3. Sending META data

4.3 To perform the functions and/or activities prescribed by the person/persons such as consignments and reporting, we will disclose information to any of the persons or organisations described below:

  1. Exporting Country Export Establishments
  2. Exporting Country Non-Packer Exporters
  3. Exporting Country Cold Storage and Logistics Organisations
  4. Exporting Country Government Authorised Agencies
  5. Freight Forwarders
  6. Shipping and Air Lines
  7. Importing Country Inspection Establishments
  8. Importing Country Cold Storage and Logistics Organisations
  9. Importing Country Meat Importers
  10. Importing Country Value Adding and Further Processing Organisations
  11. Importing Country End Users
  12. Importing Country Meat Buyers
  13. Importing Country Government authorised agencies

4.4 We store your personal information in electronic form. The security of your personal information is important to us. We take reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is stored safely to protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, including electronic and physical security measures.

4.5 If you access a social media page operated by us, the information we collect about you may also include your user ID and/or user name associated with that social media service, any information or content you have permitted the third-party social media service to share with us, such as your profile picture, email address, followers or friends lists, and any information you have disclosed in connection with that social media service.

4.6 We will collect information from you electronically, for instance through internet browsing, mobile or tablet applications. Each time you visit our website, we collect information about your use of the website. We may use a technology called 'cookies' when you visit our site. Cookies can record information about your visit to our site. The cookies we send to your computer cannot read your hard drive, obtain any information from your browser or command your computer to perform any action. They are designed so that they cannot be sent to another site or be retrieved by any non-Meat-Messaging Global site.

4.7 We will not keep your personal information longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. We will securely destroy or erase personal information from our systems when it is no longer required to accomplish the purpose for which it was collected. We also will endeavour to ensure the deletion and destruction of personal information stored and maintained by third parties. We may, however, retain some personal information to comply with applicable laws, regulations, rules and court orders.

4.8 Notwithstanding our efforts, the Internet has inherent security risks. We cannot promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information, personal searches, and other communications will always remain secure. You should take care with regards to how you handle and disclose your personal information or any username or password or any other communications that you are required to use to access all of our Collection Places.

5. Access to Your Personal Information

5.1 You can request, at any time, for us to inform you of the personal information we hold about you. We usually respond to you within seven days of receiving your request.

5.2 We may refuse to give you access to the personal information we hold about you if we reasonably believe that giving access would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an individual, would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of other individuals, or if we consider the request to be frivolous or vexatious.

5.3 If any of the information we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete or irrelevant,

5.4 Please contact us.

5.5 If you wish to access or correct any of the personal information, we hold about you, please contact us on UNITED STATES +1 540-848-5384 or at

6. Complaints

6.1 Should you wish to make a complaint about the management of your personal information, please contact us on UNITED STATES +1 540-848-5384 or at

6.2 We will make a record of your complaint and take steps to correct any deviation from Australian Privacy Principals.

6.3 We will acknowledge your complaint within seven days. We will provide you with a decision on your complaint within 30 days

6.4 If you are dissatisfied with the response of our complaints officer you may make a complaint to:

  1. the Privacy Commissioner (AUSTRALIA) which can be contacted on either or 1300 363 992

7. How We May Change This Statement

We may amend or update this Policy at any time. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be publicised on our website. This privacy policy came into existence on the 17th of February 2020.

8. Tracking and Cookies Data

8.1 For more information about any issue raised in this Privacy Policy or any other concerns, please contact us:

UNITED STATES +1 202-615-8283
Privacy Officer
c/o Meat Docs
2034 Coast Guard Drive

8.2 For more information about privacy in general, you can visit the Australian Information Commissioner's website at